There is no substitute for producing and selling a high quality, sustainable product that requires little or no maintenance. A quality reputation that goes with producing “high quality products” is worth thousands if not millions of advertising dollars. Whether the product is sold directly to the consumer, incorporated into another system; its identity stays with it. There are numerous products that list the manufacturer of its primary subsystems on their advertising.
So, why would anyone want to manufacture a “so-so” product when they can use the same resources to produce a high-quality item that could gain a greater market share? It takes less effort to sell a product whose name is well known for producing high quality goods; they sell themselves, as they become the name and product of choice. Name brand merchandise frequently gets free marketing support by exposure in numerous public, industrial and consumer publications. Without question, positive reviews increase sales while negative reviews generate a good deal of additional costs by trying to counter damaging examinations. Placing emphasis on “First Time Quality” does work and can add appreciably to the bottom line.
Make “First Time Quality” the standard for production.The overall goal is to design and produce products that never break, require a recall, or do not function as advertised. First-time quality or ‘build it right the first time”approach reduces overhead as the number of returns, for whatever reason, decreases appreciably. Products that do not break or require an excessive amount of maintenance shouts out when customers expand their business requirements.
Product quality is the one thing that separates great organizations from average organizations. In today’s competitive market, quality is the determining factor that positions organizations to grow. Likewise, it is frequently a significant reason why organizations go under. Failing organizations will often blame the economy, foreign competition, labor costs, energy costs, et al.; however, it is often more likely that such organizations did not pay attention to the quality of their products or services.
Simply put, the same can be said about any organization that provides services as a business. If such services perform as advertised, they will do well. Otherwise, people will seek another company that delivers better results.