Leadership Team Off-Sites

June 10, 2023

John Gaston

Basically “anytime” is a great time for the Leadership Team to conduct an off-site where interruptions can be controlled, if not prevented. The off-site must include an environment that offers relaxation, good food, and afternoon socializing. The team should establish a set of ground-rules ‘through consensus’ that the leader will enforce. The length of the off-site should be guided by the team’s desired goals and objectives. An “unwritten agenda” provides an environment wherein the members get to know each other on multiple levels of understanding, appreciation, and respect.

The “written agenda” should, as a minimum, provide discussions and or presentations regarding:

1. Current performance, success stories, lessons learned, challenges eliminated and challenges carried-over,

2. Set measurable performance goals for the organization and applicable time-lines,

3. Identify personnel assignments for individuals who have demonstrated excellent performance in managing people, programs, and budgets,

4. Establish workforce initiatives to improve working environments and upward mobility opportunities,

5. Focus on workforce skill mixes necessary to meet current and projected business requirements,

6. Discuss industry trends,

7. Update status of foreign and domestic competition,

8. Review security enhancements to protect organizational trade secrets while preventing IT attacks,

9. and Summarize off-site decisions and action items.

A frequent spin-off of such off-sites is the identification of “specialized teams” to identify potential strategies, approaches and or solutions to achieve a desired result. One very beneficial spin-off is that team members will develop an enhanced appreciation for the challenges facing other team members and hopefully, a greater desire to help each other. The major role of the leader is to keep things positive, upbeat, professional, and on track.  


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