We live in an information age where people want–and need–to know their organization’s information, whether it be positive or negative. “All hands” scheduled staff meetings in an office setting or virtual/web, are critical in the flow down of timely data, guidance, policies, customer feedback, and more. Well-timed flow will preclude false or incorrect information and reduce the impact of the rumor mill. The staff meeting agenda template listed below can be modified to fit the communications needs of any type of organization bearing in mind two “rules” of order:
Number 1 rule is to stay on point and not allow tangents to run amuck. If there is a need to discuss a specific item more fully, it is wiser to schedule a separate meeting to ensure all appropriate personnel are present.
Number 2 rule…keep the staff meeting short, not to exceed 20 or 30 minutes. Some managers call it a “stand-up” to keep them short. The primary goals are to Inform, get statutes, answer questions, and provide guidance.
Simple Staff Meeting Agenda Template (Note: The order is not important, but the points to discuss are.)
• Key points and flow down information from senior staff meetings and organization leadership team members.
• New organization policies, directives, etc.
• Positive and/or negative client feedback.
• Individual promotions and/or special assignments
• Special recognition for individuals who exceed performance expectations.
• Organization performance statistics, challenges, expectations, and guidance.
• Any safety issues and/or reminders.
• Any Physical or Administrative Security issues and/or reminders.
• Future organization calendar events and participation
• Any changes to staff meeting day, time, and location.
• Other.
• Q & A.
Simple Staff Meeting Agenda
July 30, 2023