Most, if not all, large organizations have policy letters, statements, etc., displayed throughout the campus to keep the workforce informed and to comply with state and federal regulations. Many of these discuss what is and is not acceptable behavior by employees, safety, security, and other administrative policies or guidance. However, they do not discuss what most people might consider common sense “No-No’s” for employees and especially by management personnel. Several include:
- Never “badmouth”, criticize or make fun of the boss or their superiors to peers or subordinates.
- Never participate in starting or spreading negative gossip regarding the boss or their superiors.
- Reframe from repeating jokes that criticize or make fun of co-workers, women, minorities, religions, gays, queers, race or creed.
- Never submit false or inaccurate timecards, travel vouches, or program status reports.
- Inappropriate or uninvited touching or hugging.
- Wearing inappropriate clothing to work or organizational events.
- Overdrink adult beverages at organizational social events.
- Never share proprietary information with competition or remove it without superior’s authorization.
- Never discuss client information with third party.